Top 5 Ways To Inspire Excellence

In my last blog post I shared my Top 5 Ways To Motivate Your Team. This month I want to share with you my Top 5 Ways To Inspire Excellence to help you cultivate leaders within your team so you can delegate with confidence.

#1 Be Positive

We all know change is hard. Often resistant employees cause disagreements or generate negativity. Counter this caustic behavior with an authentic positive attitude. Engage team members when challenges arise, but don’t overreact. This shows them how to solve problems by staying optimistic, and cultivates an attitude of excellence.

#2 Recognize Achievement

It’s been shown team members will work harder for recognition than for money. Make your workplace one where employees can see their pathway to achievement. Monthly or quarterly “Top Employee” awards work well because they allow you to publically recognize their accomplishments. Casual compliments also offer daily encouragement.

#3 Share Examples

Show your employees you’ve been there. Share examples, both positive and negative, of personal experiences to show them you can relate. Explain how you handled these situations and what you learned. This attitude of humility shows them you’re human, and you’re not perfect. By connecting this way, you encourage authentic dialog and loyalty.

#4 Trigger Owner-Like Thinking

Your employees are all part of your company. They are active participants in your marketplace value, particularly in commercial construction and real estate. Capitalize on this fact by boosting a business-benefit mindset. Be sure to set clear goals, then everyone’s actions will be focused on what’s best for business.

#5 Listen Well

Inspiring great work requires a detailed understanding of your employee’s needs, thoughts and concerns. Listen to your team, not just your customers. Schedule regular staff meetings with your supervisors and your staff to ensure continuity throughout the ranks. Be genuine in your desire to hear and act on what’s needed.